Order Line Item Summary
In order to ensure accurate revenue recognition, Blue Onion reports on fulfillment data on the order line item level. In other words, if a single order has multiple items, and only one item was fulfilled at the end of a period, only that item will be recorded in revenue recognition, whereas the remaining unfulfilled item will flow into the deferred revenue liability.
For example:
Order #: | Product: | Fulfilled Date: | Month-End Treatment: |
3966 | Dark Chocolate | 31-Jan-2023 | Recognized Revenue |
3966 | Milk Chocolate | 02-Feb-2023 | Deferred Revenue |
The order line item report will also provide reporting by several dimensions for revenue items for the given period (e.g. Product Type, SKU, Order Channel, etc), as well as the ability to filter by currency and the source order system (Shopify, Amazon, etc). The default report also provides the fulfilled quantity for the given period and many customers use this report as a way to track quantities related to their cost of goods sold.
The order line item detail can be found here: