Handling Missing Bank Dates
If you are receiving the above flag within your Blue Onion instance, it may not always indicate an issue. For users who have less frequent payouts (weekly, monthly) who do not have a bank transaction on a given day and do have payment processor records that are unreconciled, we still flag the potential for missing bank data. If this is expected behavior (e.g. it is a bank date in between expected payout dates), there is no need for any action and you can hit the "Remind me Later" button to suppress the notice.
If you believe you are missing bank data, there may be a few reasons why:
1) You are currently using the manual upload feature for your banking institution and no file has been uploaded for the relevant dates.
2) The connection to your bank with Plaid or Teller has expired and needs to be reconnected under the integrations tab.
3) You have stopped using a specific bank for payment processor payouts, but the app is still expecting to see payouts. In this case, you can reach out to customersuccess@blueonionlabs.com to mark the bank account as no longer needed for reconciliation.